
ITResources is looking for a SEO Specialist.

  • Conduct detailed technical audits of our website to ensure SEO best practices are properly implemented
  • Optimize website architecture, URL structures, sitemaps, and server response codes
  • Identify and fix crawl issues, broken links, and other technical issues that could affect search engine rankings
  • Implement and monitor schema markup and rich snippets
  • Optimize website content, including meta titles, descriptions, headings, images, and internal linking
  • Perform thorough keyword research to guide content teams
  • Ensure that all content is keyword-optimized for the best search engine visibility
  • Develop and implement effective off-page SEO strategies
  • Build and manage a high-quality backlink profile
  • Engage in link-building campaigns through outreach, content marketing, and partnerships
  • Monitor and analyze competitor backlinks
  • Identify opportunities for obtaining high-quality backlinks
  • Develop and execute strategies for backlink acquisition
  • Regularly audit backlink profiles and disavow toxic links
  • Collaborate with content creators to ensure SEO best practices are followed in content creation
  • Guide the creation of high-quality, engaging, and relevant content that attracts natural backlinks and increases organic traffic
  • Develop and manage a content calendar that aligns with SEO goals
Required Qualifications:
  • Bachelor’s degree in Marketing, IT, Computer Science, or a related field
  • Proven experience as an SEO Specialist or similar role
  • Strong understanding of search engine algorithms, ranking factors, and SEO best practices
  • Proficiency in SEO tools such as Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Ahrefs, SEMrush, Moz, and Screaming Frog etc
  • Excellent analytical, organizational, and time management skills
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills
  • Ability to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and changes in SEO and digital marketing
  • Experience in the IT or technology industry
  • Basic Knowledge of HTML, vue.js etc
  • Certification in Google Analytics, Yandex.Metrica, or other relevant SEO certifications

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