
The Environmental Project Implementation Unit has received financing from the World Bank, acting as an implementing agency of the Global Environment Facility (“GEF”), toward the cost of the RESILAND: Armenia Resilient Landscape Project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for individual consulting services.

The Environmental Specialist will support the EPIU to ensure project full compliance with Bank’s Environmental Social Standards (ESSs) and to manage environmental risks and impacts associated with the project activities. The objective of this assignment is to ensure that the implementation of project activities is in conformity with Armenia’s environmental policies, regulations and laws, and the environmental safeguards policies of the “Environmental Project Implementation Unit” State Agency, Global Environment Facility (GEF), the World Bank’s (WB) Environmental and Social Framework (ESF), The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA) and Good International Industry Practice (GIIP).

The Environmental Project Implementation Unit now invites eligible Individual Consultants to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Individual Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.

Ensure Compliance with Environmental Standards and Implementation of Environmental and Social Commitment Plan:
  • Provide technical support to the Project team to ensure that all environmental requirements of the EPIU, WB, GEF and SIDA are complied with by the project, advise on the interpretation and application of the ESF/ESSs and E&S site-specific management plans;
  • Ensure that environmental risks and impacts are addressed throughout the project cycle, by undertaking careful environmental analysis, due diligence and supervision related to EPIU and World Bank ESF requirements and associated good international practices during project implementation. Work with the assigned Social Specialist to ensure timely and accurate disclosure and stakeholder engagement and consultation for all required environmental and social assessment and management instruments, and appropriate design and implementation of project grievance mechanisms;
  • Ensure all interventions are conducted in accordance with the country legislation from the environmental perspective.

Prepare E&S instruments and monitor their implementation:
  • Collect all necessary data for the development of environmental aspects of required E&S instruments to be prepared/updated during the project implementation;
  • Review and update the draft site-specific ESMPs for Tandzut and Northern Kapan to include site-specific data and reclamation design details;
  • In collaboration with other specialists conduct screening of project sites and prepare site-specific ESMPs for a) wetlands in each selected areas proposed for restoration and b) for degraded forest and sanctuary related activities in each of the selected provinces (Syunik, Gegharkunik, and Lori);
  • Jointly with the Social Specialist implement E&S risk and impact screening procedures for the project’s small-scale activities;
  • Based on screening results, prepare necessary E&S documents, including, but not limited to Biodiversity Management Plans and Pest Management Plans;
  • Jointly with the Social Specialist, prepare other E&S documents upon necessity;
  • Conduct consultations on E&S documents prepared for the project;
  • Monitor and oversee the implementation of actions and measures of the Environment and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP) and site-specific Environment Social Management Plans (ESMPs);
  • In coordination with the PIU-designated staff, conduct regular site visits at the intervention sites to verify/check compliance to relevant regulations and approved E&S site-specific management plans and mitigation guidelines;
  • Take immediate action in the event of unexpected adverse impact or ineffective mitigation measures, or non-compliances with site-specific ESMPs identified during project implementation. Closely work with contractor(s) to prepare corrective action plans and follow up on its implementations;
  • Prepare regular monitoring reports on the environmental performance of the Project, including but not limited to the implementation of the ESCP, status of preparation and implementation of E&S instruments required under the ESCP.

Assess environmental aspects of interventions and relevant documents:
  • Assess the project activities from the environmental perspective, provide relevant feedback;
  • Together with the PIU-designated staff and the representative of the contractor, conduct stakeholder consultations, as appropriate, to determine if there is any environmental concern during construction works;
  • Ensure adherence to mitigation guidelines for small-scale infrastructure activities differing in locations from activities defined in the ESMPs;
  • Review the environmental aspects of all documents (including design documents, ESIA, contractor reports) produced under the project;
  • Review activity plan, design, cost, and bid documents to ensure environmental factors and mitigations are incorporated, and subproject/ activity documents and environmental documents are in harmony;
  • Incorporate the relevant aspects of the ESCP, including, inter alia, the relevant E&S instruments (ESMPs), into the Environmental, Social, Health and Safety ESHS specifications of the procurement documents and contracts with contractors and supervising firms,

Develop and deliver trainings on Environmental Aspects:
  • Conduct trainings for relevant staff of EPIU and other involved agencies, including but not limited to Forest Committee, Hayantar SNCO and its respective forest economies on the World Bank Environmental and Social Framework and requirements of the ESSs, ESMPs and monitoring and reporting of EHS aspects of the Project, Biodiversity management issues and best practices, etc;
  • Conduct trainings for Project workers on ESHS requirements applicable to the works on wetland restoration, reclamation of abandoned mining sites and reforestation.

Reporting and documentation
The Environmental Specialist delivers the following reports and documents:
  • Environmental Performance Report (Monthly);
  • Bi-annual report on ESHS performance (Biannually).

The timeline of preliminary deliverables is presented below:
  • Consulted and finalized ESMPs for Northern Kapan and Tandzut abandoned mining sites: within 3 months of Project Effectiveness;
  • ESMPs for degraded forest and sanctuary related activities: prior to the bidding documents and commencement of any restoration works;
  • ESMPs for wetlands in each selected areas proposed for restoration: prior to the bidding documents and commencement of any restoration works.
Required Qualifications:
  • University degree in environmental sciences, engineering or natural sciences;
  • Minimum 5 years of experience in environmental aspects of international donor-funded development projects;
  • Good knowledge of the RA environmental legal framework and regulation;
  • Experience in assessing and managing environmental risks and impacts of similar projects and preparing Environmental Management Plans;
  • Prior engagement in a project financed by the World Bank or another multilateral/bilateral development organization would be an asset;
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills;
  • Fluent knowledge of the English and Armenian languages;
  • Demonstrated ability to work in a team;
  • Computer literacy (MS Office).
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