
The Project Development Officer (PDՕ) will support the efficient and effective implementation of projects by acting as the liaison focal point between Acted and key stakeholders (local authorities, CSOs/NGOs/CBOs) and feeding information back to coordination, project, and support staff in a timely manner. The PDO will support Acted to strengthen and leverage relationships with local authorities, partners, and civil society actors, to implement activities, identify synergies, and ensure.
The PDO will support the qualitative and timely implementation of the projects. The PDO is responsible for supporting the activities of the project team according to the methodologies and guidelines provided by Acted.

Fundraising Context Analysis
  • Analyse the country’s socio-economic situation, (donor) trends, needs and gaps;
  • Regularly conduct stakeholder analysis, in particular who does what and where (3W).

External Relations
  • Maintain active and regular working relationships with donors;
  • Maintain active and regular working relationships with other NGOs, UN agencies, clusters, working groups, Alliance2015, consortia and academia;
  • Regularly update a directory of donors, international and local NGOs, other partners and stakeholders;
  • Contribute to the reporting to national and local authorities as required by Acted registration/ legal status in country.

Contract Follow-up
  • Ensure that contractual obligations (including visibility requirements) and reporting deadlines are known and met by Programe, AMEU and FLATS team;
  • When any issue is identified in meeting deliverables in the given timeframe and budget, inform relevant staff in country and seek Acted HQ Program Department advice on potential solutions that would meet donor rules.

  • Participate in and take minutes of kick-off and close out meetings for each project;
  • Write quality narrative reports, reflecting the progress and status of projects in a transparent, timely and professional manner, in liaison with Acted HQ GMU and finance, which will contribute ultimately to steady cash inflow;
  • Work in close relation with AMEU to incorporate AME data (incl. data on input, process, output, outcome and impact indicators, lessons learnt and best practices) in reports and review M&E reports from AMEU;
  • Liaise with FLATS teams when preparing reports, especially with finance to ensure greater coherence between financial and narrative reports by crosschecking the matching of data in the narrative and financial reports;
  • Contribute to the monthly update of the Reporting Follow Up (RFU) and ensure smooth and regular communication with Acted HQ GMU;
  • Ensure ad hoc requests from donors are addressed in liaison with the Country Director (CD), programe and support teams.

Liaison Functions
Establish strong working relationships with the local authorities and local organisations engaged in, or relevant to, the delivery of Acted’s humanitarian response in the relevant areas, including:
  • Developing a network of key technical focal points within the marz administration and wider local authorities, maintaining an up-to-date database of contacts;
  • Identifying further stakeholders and building partnerships through regular engagement with those entities, as well as ensuring adequate liaison between external partners;
  • Identifying working formats of the main stakeholders (e.g. thematic working groups, coordination meetings) and engaging with these groups as directed by Project Manager and CD;
  • Coordinating internally with CD, programme and support staff, providing regular updates on liaison tasks, meetings, and follow-up activities; taking notes at all meetings attended; filing notes online (within 24hrs of meetings taking place) for Acted staff to access.
Act as the liaison between Acted staff in Yerevan and the local authorities and local organisations in other areas of the country, and provide strong internal reporting and communication, including:
  • Daily internal communication with relevant project teams on relevant topics, prioritizing local authority engagement based on project needs;
  • Providing CD and relevant project teams with timely written records of all formal meetings with local authorities and local organizations;
  • Regularly updating CD and relevant project teams on the changing context and new initiatives within the relevant oblast;
  • Write up weekly brief of tasks completed and planned.
Required Qualifications:
  • University level education in social sciences, political sciences, public administration, research or relevant field;
  • At least 2 years of experience in working with local authorities and experience of working with NGOs, preferably in humanitarian context, will be considered a strong advantage;
  • Prior knowledge of the region;
  • Excellent knowledge of sources of secondary data (state statistics);
  • Available for travel to all marzes of Armenia;
  • Excellent communication presentation skills;
  • Excellent English and Armenian writing and speaking skills;
  • Proven ability to work autonomously, and at distance, with strong reporting skills;
  • Proven ability to work in Microsoft Excel, Word and Outlook;
  • Motivated to work as part of a teamwork in a multicultural environment, requiring flexibility and ability to work to tight deadlines;
  • Willingness to travel to other Acted field offices.
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