
The Environmental Project Implementation Unit has received financing from the World Bank, acting as an implementing agency of the Global Environment Facility (“GEF”), toward the cost of the RESILAND: Armenia Resilient Landscape Project, and intends to apply part of the proceeds for individual consulting services.

The Social Specialist supports the EPIU to ensure the project’s full compliance with the national legislative framework on social risk management and the World Bank’s (WB) Environmental and Social Framework (ESF). In addition, the objective of this role is to ensure that the implementation of project activities is in conformity with the social policies of the EPIU, Global Environment Facility (GEF) and the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).

The Environmental Project Implementation Unit now invites eligible Individual Consultants to indicate their interest in providing the Services. Interested Individual Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.

The Social Specialist will be responsible for the following tasks:

Ensure Compliance with Social Standards and implementation of Environmental and Social Commitment Plan:
  • Provide technical support to the Project team and advise on the application of the relevant social standards to ensure that all social requirements of the EPIU, WB, GEF and SIDA are complied with by the Project;
  • Ensure that the project team and relevant stakeholders are fully aware of these standards and their implications for project activities;
  • Oversee the implementation of the social provisions outlined in the Project's Environmental and Social Commitment Plan (ESCP), coordinate with Project team and stakeholders, monitor progress, and ensure that all social commitments are met in a timely and effective manner;
  • Regularly review project activities to ensure they comply with the social requirements of the EPIU, WB, GEF, and SIDA; conduct periodic assessments and evaluations to identify any areas of non-compliance and recommend corrective actions;
  • Take immediate action, in agreement with the Project team, in the event of unexpected adverse social impact or ineffective mitigation measures identified during implementation;
  • Update the respective sections of the Project Operational Manual (POM) related to social risk management, labor management, and stakeholder engagement and grievance mechanisms upon necessity.

Prepare and monitor the implementation of E&S instruments:
  • Analyze potential negative social impacts and risks of the project, develop and implement preventative or mitigation measures, and establish a framework for monitoring and evaluating these impacts and risks incorporating those into respective E&S instruments;
  • Work closely with the Environmental Specialist to prepare, review and update social and environmental management plans required by the Project, including ESMPs for degraded forest and sanctuary related activities in each of the selected provinces (Syunik, Gegharkunik, Lori), as well as ESMPs for wetlands in each selected areas (Ararat Plain and Lori Plateau Lakes) proposed for restoration;
  • Consult and finalize the draft ESMPs for the restoration of Northern Kapan and Tandzut abandoned mining sites, incorporate respective findings of the social assessment into the ESMPs upon their completion;
  • Monitor the implementation of site-specific ESMPs and in coordination with the EPIU-designated staff, conduct regular site visits at the intervention sites to monitor compliance to relevant social regulations;
  • Review and provide feedback on the social aspects of all documents (including design, ESIA, contractor reports) produced under the Project;
  • Follow the implementation of E&S risk and impact screening procedures, and impact mitigation guidelines for small-scale infrastructure activities differing in locations from activities defined in the ESMPs;
  • Incorporate the relevant aspects of the ESCP, including, inter alia, the Labor Management Procedures, and code of conduct, into the Environmental and Social Health and Safety (ESHS) specifications of the procurement documents and contracts with contractors and supervising firms;
  • Review activity plan, design, cost, and bid documents to ensure social factors are incorporated, and subproject/ activity documents and environmental documents are in harmony.

Labor Management and Stakeholder Engagement
  • Periodically review and update the Project Stakeholder Engagement Plan (SEP) and Labor Management Procedures (LMP) during the course of Project implementation as necessary;
  • Develop annual stakeholder engagement action plans specifying activities, timelines, and responsibilities for engaging with stakeholders throughout the year and follow-up on its successful implementation;
  • Follow the effective and timely implementation of SEP and LMP in accordance with the Project ESCP;
  • Together with the EPIU-designated staff and the representative of the contractor, conduct stakeholder consultations, as appropriate, to address any concerns related to project activities and to analyze the social aspects of project interventions;
  • Establish project-specific procedures, including toolkits, guidelines for the operationalization of the LMP, including establishment of Workers Grievance Redress Mechanisms (WGRM).

Grievance Redress Mechanisms:
  • Adopt EPIU Grievance Redress Mechanisms (GRM) to collect, consolidate and address grievances related to Project activities in accordance with the Project SEP;
  • Ensure that the GRM is easily accessible to all stakeholders, including marginalized and vulnerable groups, conduct awareness campaigns to inform stakeholders about the GRM process, channels for submitting grievances, and expected response times;
  • Maintain a detailed record of all grievances received, including the nature of the grievance, actions taken, and outcomes achieved, ensure that these records are comprehensive and up to date;
  • Respond to and resolve grievances through the established GRM procedures promptly and efficiently;
  • Include a summary of grievances and their resolutions in the Environmental and Social (E&S) chapters of the project’s regular progress reports;
  • Perform operational analysis of grievances resolution process and suggest enhancements required to optimize redressal processes.

Training and capacity building:
  • Contribute to the on-going learning, effectiveness and development of project staff;
  • Support the development and implementation of training and other capacity-building activities for various stakeholders;
  • Together with Project Environmental Specialist, conduct trainings for Project workers on Environmental and Health Safety (EHS) requirements applicable to the works on wetland restoration, reclamation of abandoned mining sites and reforestation;
  • Conduct training sessions for the relevant staff of EPIU and other involved agencies, including but not limited to the Forest Committee, Hayantar SNCO, and its respective forest economies to cover the best practices of social management and WB ESF, the requirements of the ESSs, ESMPs, and the monitoring and reporting of EHS aspects of the Project;
  • Conduct GRM training sessions for focal points at the local level and other relevant target groups.

Support and supervise socio-economic assessments:
  • Guide the implementation of socio-economic assessments, including baseline assessment and final evaluation, ensuring that these activities are conducted in a structured and methodologically sound manner;
  • Review and provide feedback on the TORs to contract consulting firms, methodology documents and final assessment reports;
  • Conduct midterm and terminal social assessments to analyze the impact of project interventions;
  • Conduct social assessments and studies upon necessity and coordinate similar studies performed within the project.

The Social Specialist shall also
  • Take immediate measures to find solutions to the problems encountered during the implementation of tasks/activities under his/her supervision;
  • Ensure the acceptance processes of the services provided within the framework of tasks under his/her supervision;
  • Perform any other task assigned by the Project Coordinator in the scope of social risk management, labor management, grievance redress and stakeholder engagement of the Project.

Reporting and documentation

The Social Specialist delivers the following reports and documents:
  • Social Performance Report (Monthly);
  • Bi-annual report on ESHS performance (Biannually).

The timeline of preliminary deliverables is presented below:
  • Consulted and finalized ESMPs for Northern Kapan and Tandzut abandoned mining sites: within 3 months of Project Effectiveness
  • ESMPs for degraded forest and sanctuary related activities: prior to the bidding documents and commencement of any restoration works
  • ESMPs for wetlands in each selected areas proposed for restoration: prior to the bidding documents and commencement of any restoration works.
Required Qualifications:
  • University degree in Social Work, Sociology, Anthropology, Social Science, Economics, or other related discipline;
  • Minimum 3 years of experience in social aspects of international donor-funded development projects;
  • Experience in the preparation of Social Management Plans;
  • Familiarity with WB Environmental and Social Safeguard Policies or Environmental and Social Framework will be considered an advantage;
  • Good interpersonal and communication skills;
  • Fluent in the English and Armenian languages;
  • Demonstrated ability to work in a team;
  • Computer literacy (MS Office).
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