
WebWork Time Tracker, Inc. is looking for a Content Specialist.

  • Produce engaging, well-researched, and SEO-optimized blog articles and product descriptions
  • Conduct keyword, audience, and competitor research
  • Apply SEO principles to maximize the visibility and reach of your copy
  • Collaborate with our marketing and content specialists in marketing campaigns
  • Write SEO-oriented and user-friendly website copy that aligns with our brand voice and objectives
  • Work on other types of marketing copy when need be
Required Qualifications:
  • Excellent command of written English (C1 level)
  • Proven experience as a content writer or copywriter with a portfolio of relevant work
  • Strong writing, proofreading, and editing skills
  • Familiarity with online content strategy and creation
  • Basic knowledge of SEO principles and how they apply to content
  • Basic knowledge of digital marketing tactics and trends
  • Excellent attention to detail
  • Eagerness to learn and grow as a professional
  • Ability to collaborate and contribute to the team’s success

Please Note: This job was discovered by our search engine and republished for your convenience. Please be aware that some information may be incorrect or incomplete. For the original job posting and full details, please visit the job link on the owner’s page.